
This blog

Hello, When I started this blog, I had an idea of how I wanted to present my content and how often I wanted to post. I started this blog at a time in my life when a lot of things were occuring. Good things, but many things. Then, things started to slow down. So did my posting. I have big gaps of time where I didn't post anything at all. And I felt guilty. Instead of getting back to it, I ended up not posting.  I wanted this blog to be more about the adventures we go on, details about camping trips, conservation areas, hikes, etc. I didn't want it to be too personal, even if it was a way to keep track of our outings. I am at a point where I've noticed, though, that I keep encouraging others to follow their dreams and thoughts. It could be for simple everyday things, or big and challenging tasks. I don't even follow that in my own life. I should listen to my own advice. There are things I want to accomplish. I need to figure out exactly what those things are and sit d

Camping at Silent Lake Provincial Park

Hello, I've been getting back into looking up trails and such since spring will eventually show even more signs of arriving in our area and I want to be ready for outdoor adventures! The birds are chirping in the morning, some greenery is started to pop out of the ground, there is light up till the children's bedtime... all exciting things.  In doing so, I figured I could write a short post regarding our extended family camping trip we took last August at Silent Lake Provincial Park . Same gang as the previous year at Bon Echo, minus my father who was ill and unable to join us. He's fine, by the way.  We did our usual Wednesday to Saturday schedule, which helps avoid crowds. We stuck to the month of August and it was thankfully warmer than the previous year.  I seem to have misplaced our map, but I do believe our sites and yurt were in the Pincer Bay campground. We had two tent sites next to each other, but with a good distance between the two (had to go on the roa

It's been almost a year...

Hello, It has been almost a full year since I last posted. I sadly ended up doing what I was hoping not to do with this blog. Which was to not consistently post. There are no excuses. I've always been this way when it comes to blogs I have created in the past.  Since I don't really have a following, I do not feel like I am letting anyone down. Except myself. I was hoping this would also be a good way to keep track of the outings we do, the wonderful sights we see and just overall memories of outdoor adventures for myself and my family.  Now, don't go thinking that we have been sitting around not getting out there. We've still been busy! I must admit we did not get out as much in 2018 as I would have liked, but such is life. We will turn that around this year. I just bought new trail runners and I'm pretty excited to break them in.  We already have our big extended family camping trip booked for Charleston Provincial Park. If you have been there, please let u

Off the trail - The First 40 Miles

Hello fellow outdoorists! I hope you are all doing well and are able to get outside. We were up in Sudbury a few months ago. We did not end up on a trail but we did use our snowshoes on an unbeaten path that goes behind the house where we stay and other yards. We did not go for long as the children tired quickly in the deep snow, but it was still nice to get out. The weather was fantastic.  As you can see from the post name, today I will be doing a second instalment of Off the trail and introduce you (or remind you of) T he First 40 Miles . Today, I will be writing about a podcast I discovered a few months back. The hosts are Heather Legler and Josh Legler. They designed their logo themselves using one of Josh's photos and Heather overlaying her own graphics.  Right now, they have 182 episodes... I am not halfway done... haha I started from their first episode and I'm working my way to newer ones. I also only recently discovered that they have bloopers at the end of the e

Short walk around Mill Pond, Milton

Hello, It has been a rather long time since I've posted. I have another post in the draft folder that I meant to tidy and publish a few months back, and sadly it has sat there forgotten.  I personally find it tough to post about hiking, camping, etc., when the weather outside is frightful, but I need to get over it. Life doesn't stop just because it's not the more pristine weather outside! I need to come up with posts that are related to these topics and that can be shared with my readers in those downtimes. I still have a love and passion for all these things even in less than desirable conditions, so my blog should continue to be updated! All that to say, the weather is getting nicer. I'm very excited about this. It feels like it took a really long time for us to get there this year, with a late snow storm in April and then ridiculous winds and such in this early May. We had a huge pine tree blocking one entrance of our townhouse complex driveway! We took adva

Snowshoeing at Crawford Lake Conservation Area

Hello dear outdoor enthusiasts! I hope you are doing well. We have been dealing with colds and flus. And bad weather. We live in Southern Ontario and the weather has been rather up and down. We've had bouts of minus 30 degrees Celsius and then of almost plus 10! Weather, make up your mind. This makes it harder for us to go out and enjoy the outdoors. We do go for walks around the neighbourhood if the weather is stable enough and we are nicely bundled up. We even managed to go walk by the water at LaSalle Marina Park in Burlington and see all the swans that overwinter  there.  Other than walking/hiking, we have been able to break in our new snowshoes! My parents were beyond generous and gave us all snowshoes for Christmas. They live by a lake so we were able to try them out around their place, walking on the frozen lake and then through a park. It was great!  We don't get too many opportunities to go snowshoeing around our place though, mostly with this season's sno

Off the trail - Homemade Wanderlust

Hello dear friends, Time gets away from you. The weather gets colder. It's dark by the time you get home from work. Your weekends are filled with visits and errands.  So many excuses! I do feel bad that we haven't been able to get out much over the last couple of months. This is, I think, typical for this time of year, here.  I figured it would be a good time to start a new series on my blog. I would like to share with you all some outdoor related blogs, vlogs, magazines, books, etc. that I enjoy and figured you might be interested in as well.  For the first instalment, I wanted to talk about a young lady by the name of  Jessica "Dixie" Mills . It was actually my husband that found her online, actually on  YouTube , while looking up information about hiking shoes! He then shared his discovery with me and I have to admit, I'm hooked. I even went back to her older videos in order to absorb as much of her positivity and experience as I could.  In 2015 she set