
Showing posts from May, 2018

Off the trail - The First 40 Miles

Hello fellow outdoorists! I hope you are all doing well and are able to get outside. We were up in Sudbury a few months ago. We did not end up on a trail but we did use our snowshoes on an unbeaten path that goes behind the house where we stay and other yards. We did not go for long as the children tired quickly in the deep snow, but it was still nice to get out. The weather was fantastic.  As you can see from the post name, today I will be doing a second instalment of Off the trail and introduce you (or remind you of) T he First 40 Miles . Today, I will be writing about a podcast I discovered a few months back. The hosts are Heather Legler and Josh Legler. They designed their logo themselves using one of Josh's photos and Heather overlaying her own graphics.  Right now, they have 182 episodes... I am not halfway done... haha I started from their first episode and I'm working my way to newer ones. I also only recently discovered that they have bloopers at the end of the e

Short walk around Mill Pond, Milton

Hello, It has been a rather long time since I've posted. I have another post in the draft folder that I meant to tidy and publish a few months back, and sadly it has sat there forgotten.  I personally find it tough to post about hiking, camping, etc., when the weather outside is frightful, but I need to get over it. Life doesn't stop just because it's not the more pristine weather outside! I need to come up with posts that are related to these topics and that can be shared with my readers in those downtimes. I still have a love and passion for all these things even in less than desirable conditions, so my blog should continue to be updated! All that to say, the weather is getting nicer. I'm very excited about this. It feels like it took a really long time for us to get there this year, with a late snow storm in April and then ridiculous winds and such in this early May. We had a huge pine tree blocking one entrance of our townhouse complex driveway! We took adva