
Showing posts from August, 2017


Hello, My name is Rachel and I welcome you to my blog. It's 2017 and I'm a busy (who isn't) mother of two wonderful, crazy, active, etc. children. There's my (step)son, Brock, who loves to ask "why" and talk non-stop, typical 4-year old stuff. And there's my daughter, Zoé, who is super curious and daring, also typical 2-year old stuff. I also work full-time and once we pass September I will finally be married to my wonderful fiancé, Ron.  Although this blog will be about myself and my family, it will be mainly centered around our outings and our explorations of our wonderful Earth. By this I mean that we are a family that likes to go out and see what the wonderful conservation areas (and other natural areas) have to offer us (water, sun, plants, wildlife, etc.). Ron and I both strongly feel the need to show to our children how wonderful this planet can be and that we must do our best to conserve it and to get along with it. We want them to learn abou

Camping at Earl Rowe Conservation Area

Hello, For my first official post, I wanted to share our first camping trip together.  Before I get into that though, I would like to say that when I was growing up, my parents took my sisters (I have three older sisters) and I on many, many camping trips and other outings. I do not have a good memory, but I do remember having a blast on these trips. They are a big part of my childhood. I know that Ron also went to cottages and camping when he was growing up. Another reason why we both wanted to get back into it.  We actually have never gone camping together! Shocking, I know. We've done many nature walks, but never overnight stays anywhere. So, we bought a tent and a few other key missing things and booked a very last minute, one night camping site at a conservation area not too far away from us, near Alliston, Ontario .  Now, our kids are normal kids. They love each other and tend to get along or know to stay away from each other. Of course that Saturday morning they both

Hiking at Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area

Hello, For this post, I will take you along our hour and a half long hike at Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area , in Milton, Ontario . A couple weekends ago, Ron, Zoé and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and go for a good hike. We usually use a stroller with Zoé, but since we (sadly) didn't have Brock, which let's be honest, we probably wouldn't have been able to do the trail we did with him, we decided that we should wear Zoé. Unfortunately we didn't have a carrier that works for her weight but happily my sister who lives nearby still had the ergo baby carrier she used for both her kids! It's great to have family and hand-me downs. Seriously! So, fill up a few water bottles, grab a few cliff bars and granola bars to have as snacks on the trail, throw on our hiking shoes and off we go! To get into Rattlesnake Point, it costs $6.75 per adult. Zoé being 2, was free.  Now we ended up being on the trail for about an hour and a half, and