
Showing posts from April, 2019

This blog

Hello, When I started this blog, I had an idea of how I wanted to present my content and how often I wanted to post. I started this blog at a time in my life when a lot of things were occuring. Good things, but many things. Then, things started to slow down. So did my posting. I have big gaps of time where I didn't post anything at all. And I felt guilty. Instead of getting back to it, I ended up not posting.  I wanted this blog to be more about the adventures we go on, details about camping trips, conservation areas, hikes, etc. I didn't want it to be too personal, even if it was a way to keep track of our outings. I am at a point where I've noticed, though, that I keep encouraging others to follow their dreams and thoughts. It could be for simple everyday things, or big and challenging tasks. I don't even follow that in my own life. I should listen to my own advice. There are things I want to accomplish. I need to figure out exactly what those things are and sit d