
Showing posts from September, 2017

Hiking (part of) the Bruce Trail

Hello, I hope I am finding you well and the trails have been kind. September 4 was labour day and we wanted to get out for a nice hike before the back to school (SK for our boy) and new daycare (for our daughter) day.  This decision was made pretty late in the day as Brock wasn't home until a bit past noon and Zoé needed to get her ever shorter nap in. We wanted to head over to the Smokey Hollow Waterfall, but there is only a tiny parking lot (which is a pain to get in and out of) and it was full with a ton of people trying to get in. So we kept driving on Mountain Brow Road and arrived at a Bruce Trail access point off of King Road. We parked on the side of the road, grabbed our water and off we went, heading West but not sure how far we would go. Now Ron and I have downloaded a free app (in-app purchases) called ViewRanger . It is a GPS guide and here is what they say on their site:  ViewRanger is your digital guide to the outdoors, with hundreds of thousands of downloada

Camping at Bon Echo Provincial Park - Part 2

Hello, I hope you are doing well. I've waiting too long to write out these posts so I feel like I'm missing a few pieces, but oh well. It is what it is. The last post ended with a very cold night and morning. But we survived and had plenty of food and layers to keep us warm.  We then got ready to go for another hike! We headed out for the High Pines Trail, a 1.7 km trail going through forest and wetlands. They classify it as moderate on their site. Again, we let Zoé walk for the first part, but after a while she kept falling and then we fell far behind the rest of the group. So, up on my back she went and we were able to observe all the lovely trees and rocks that were around us. We saw lots of acorns and plants. The trail itself wasn't too bad with some semi-hard climbs here and there.  After that, we had lunch and then even though it was chilly in the shade, we decided to go see the beach area, bringing our swim gear just in case it was warmer in the bright s

Camping at Bon Echo Provincial Park - Part 1

Hello, This next trip will be broken down into two posts so that I can include more details and not make each post too long.  We went on a three night camping trip with my family at Bon Echo Provincial Park . In total we were 15 people (6 kids ranging from 2 to 7 years old and 9 adults) and we shared three sites (two for tents and one was a yurt ). We ended up putting up two tents on one site and moving the picnic table over to the middle site where we had one tent and two big shelters to cover the picnic tables.  We only built a fire at the middle camp ground and we kept the double burner stove there for cooking and cleaning dishes. We did have a BBQ at the yurt, so we made good use of it for bacon, sausages, burgers and grilled veggies.  We all arrived around 4:45 pm on the Wednesday and even though they weren't calling for it, it was lightly raining! So we all quickly set up our tents and shelters before the ground was too wet, and luckily the light rain did not last. We