
Showing posts from February, 2018

Snowshoeing at Crawford Lake Conservation Area

Hello dear outdoor enthusiasts! I hope you are doing well. We have been dealing with colds and flus. And bad weather. We live in Southern Ontario and the weather has been rather up and down. We've had bouts of minus 30 degrees Celsius and then of almost plus 10! Weather, make up your mind. This makes it harder for us to go out and enjoy the outdoors. We do go for walks around the neighbourhood if the weather is stable enough and we are nicely bundled up. We even managed to go walk by the water at LaSalle Marina Park in Burlington and see all the swans that overwinter  there.  Other than walking/hiking, we have been able to break in our new snowshoes! My parents were beyond generous and gave us all snowshoes for Christmas. They live by a lake so we were able to try them out around their place, walking on the frozen lake and then through a park. It was great!  We don't get too many opportunities to go snowshoeing around our place though, mostly with this season's sno