
Showing posts from November, 2017

Off the trail - Homemade Wanderlust

Hello dear friends, Time gets away from you. The weather gets colder. It's dark by the time you get home from work. Your weekends are filled with visits and errands.  So many excuses! I do feel bad that we haven't been able to get out much over the last couple of months. This is, I think, typical for this time of year, here.  I figured it would be a good time to start a new series on my blog. I would like to share with you all some outdoor related blogs, vlogs, magazines, books, etc. that I enjoy and figured you might be interested in as well.  For the first instalment, I wanted to talk about a young lady by the name of  Jessica "Dixie" Mills . It was actually my husband that found her online, actually on  YouTube , while looking up information about hiking shoes! He then shared his discovery with me and I have to admit, I'm hooked. I even went back to her older videos in order to absorb as much of her positivity and experience as I could.  In 2015 she set