
Showing posts from October, 2017

Hiking at Holland Landing Conservation Area

Hello, It's been a while since I posted. We've had a pretty busy time lately and that's not me trying to make excuses, but some things have gotten away from me. So, on that note, I'm taking the time to write a short entry on an outing Ron, Zoé and I did almost a month ago. Ron had an appointment in Keswick on a Saturday and instead of missing out on family time, we decided to all drive up and hike somewhere nearby.  We came across the Holland Landing Conservation Area online and decided to give it a try.  We parked at Anchor Park and tried to find entry to one of the trails that apparently leads into the conservation area itself. We took a wrong turn and ended up near a road (Walnut Avenue) and since we had pulled the map up on Ron's phone, we figure it should be easy enough to go up a certain part and we would end up back on a trail. Well, we kind of did. For a while. It was nice and full of hills, so we put Zoé on my back and trekked on, hoping the trai